Sunday, March 9, 2008

Een prachtig zonnig weekend / A beautiful sunny weekend

Deze week hebben we hier in Alberta veel geluk met lenteachtig weer. Dit weekend bracht echt prachtig weer met blauwe hemels en een hoop zon en 10-11 graden Celcius (dat voelt als 16-17 graden Celcius in Nederland!) en bijna geen wind. Vergelijk dat eens met de situatie in het Oosten van Canada. Mensen daar werden (voor de zoveelste keer) getroffen door ijsregens en sneeuwstormen.
Aangezien het goed weer was had ik geen enkel excuus om niet mee te doen met de laatste cross-country hardloopwedstrijd van dit seizoen in Fish Creek park en georganiseerd door onze hardloop club de Calgary Roadrunners ( Ik had reeds meegedaan met de vorige cross-country run maar er was mij al verteld dat dit een veel zwaardere zou zijn (dat is met meer heuvels!). En inderdaad, mijn doel was om in het spoor van Jason te blijven maar dat bleek al snel te hoog gegrepen. Jason had mij verteld dat het twee rondes zouden zijn en dat in iedere ronden we slechts twee keer een heuvel op en af zouden gaan. Het parcours was dit jaar echter anders en het werd dus 4 keer op en af in een ronde.
De heuvels waren trouwens niet de enige lastposten. Zo moest je bijvoorbeeld door bossen heen op smalle besneeuwde paden, met laag hangende takken (auw!), hier en daar ijs, zeer glad ijs, modder, etc. Ik was trots dat ik de 8.7 kilometer heb uitgelopen! Na afloop was er zoals de gewoonte is een 'potlock' lunch: voor soep wordt gezorgd en iedere deelnemer neemt iets mee om te eten. Zeer gezellig.

This week people in Alberta are lucky people with spring like weather. This weekend presented us with absolutely gorgeous weather, blue skies, lots of sunshine, 10-11 degrees Celsius, little to no breeze. Compare that to the people in the eastern parts of Canada. The were pounded (again) by ice rains, snow storms, etc., this weekend.
Given the good weather I had no excuse not to go and participate in the last cross-country run of the season in Fish Creek Provincial Park and organized by the Calgary Roadrunners. I did participate in the last one as well (see two posting prior to this one) and while that one was a relatively easy one, this one a real tough one. My goal was to stay with Jason because he runs more or less my speed and he has lots of experience running cross country runs. Prior to the race Jason told me that we only had to go up-and-down to hills and that twice. What actually happened was that we had to go up-and-down four times in each round (there were two rounds). Not surprisingly this made it must more difficult for me. Anyway, I already had to let Jason go as soon as we made the first decend into to the valley. It was not only hills that made this run difficult, but as I soon found out, I had to go over snow slushed tiny paths, paths with ice, paths covered by twigs that were guaranteed to scratch your skin somewhere, and a frozen river. I had to use all my skills and concentration not to fall or slip! While I did not go fast (approximately 6 min/km) I am proud and happy that I ran and finished (btw 2 minutes behind Jason). The second course lap, knowing what was to come, I could even enjoy at certain moments the beauty of the park, the sunshine, etc. After the run, as usual a potluck was organized. The companionship of the people running with me in the 10K group is much appreciated.
While Liesbeth is away for a week, I allowed myself to spoil myself and at the same time take good care of myself by ensuring I was making some proper meals this weekend. So after running on Saturday I drove home, took a shower, and took the car again to visit the Bon Ton Meat market at the corner of 16 Ave and 29 Street NW. For sure one of the best meat markets in Calgary. I bought myself a nice lambbone (correct English?!) that was going to provide with juicy and tender meat for at least two days. However, I also wanted to take the opportunity to eat mussels (Liesbeth does not like them ...) so I visited the fish market that is very close to the meat market as well. I got an extremely good deal there: a two pounder of mussels from P.E.I. for 8 CAD! I had the mussels for dinner as well as for lunch on Sunday. The lamb was for Sunday's (and Monday's) dinner.
Sunday morning I run another 10km along the Bow River together with Jason, and Dave. We run a nice and easy pace of 5.20 min/km. Again the execellent weather added to the joy. By now I must be ready to do the St. Patrick's Day road race next week. More on that in a next post.


Downhillnut said...

Good race, Sander! Way to be brave and take on the hilly XC challenge!

I'll be volunteering somewhere at St. Pat's, hope to see you and Liesbeth there. Maybe you will win your weight in Beer?

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